Tears always come to my eyes every time I listen to "Casting Crowns" song titled "East to West". You may never understand what am about to share except you have listened to the song very carefully. Its speaking from a person's experience with God revealing the depth of God's dealing with man
Lots of times our thoughts about God are not accurate and we think that that is just the way He is.
As I type this broadcast,I flash back at the times as a baby christian when I had to struggle with lots of things especially with things from my past. Those are the times you go to church and the best of sermons according to the dictates of man are the messages that make you feel so worthless and useless like God is going to strike you dead for your sins.
Don't get me wrong,am not saying God doesn't detest sin or won't want to strike you dead for your sins. But the TRUTH is that He already did strike someone dead for your sins. And it will be unjust to punish you again for an offense someone had already being punished for This TRUTH will sure draw you closer to Him especially in times of your weakness than away from Him. Its natural to want to run away from who you have offended,and the devil just knows how to work on this to get you as far away from God as possible. You sure know you can't be like or learn from the one who you are far away from. Its closeness that brings resemblance in acts & even looks. Have you discovered somehow couples begin to look alike after years of living together?or maybe its just my own imagination. Don't let the devil deceive you. As far as the East is from the West,God has taken you sins away from you. Get close to Him today irrespective of your weakness,learn of Him & become more and more like Him "for sin shall no longer have dominion over you".
Do have a grace-filled day in Jesus name.